August 14, 2024
A year has passed and I have so much to update you on, dear readers.
Let's begin with my querying journey with The Greatest Game. By far, this book received the most full requests out of every book I've queried. I got quite a few partials, as well, and many, many rejections. That's the game, right?
Sometime around the end of November, I received a promising Revise and Resubmit from an agent who had made some really great points about the manuscript. So, I spent the next month and a half doing a fairly significant revision. I notified agents who had my manuscript and the majority wanted to see the revised version. I even had a few agents who had passed on the full agree to reading a revised version. Flash forward to the end of February and I receive THE EMAIL. Writers know of what I speak. An agent wanted to have a call with me to offer representation. She was a fantastic agent and I was elated. Just a few days later, we met via Zoom, had a very productive discussion, and she officially offered representation. I then notified all of the other agents who had my manuscript and query. Within a couple of days, I had two more calls scheduled with two London based agents. These calls went spectacular, as well, but it was fairly clear to me after my last who I connected with the most. I officially signed a contract with Megan Carroll of Watson Little, Ltd. in March and it's been full steam ahead ever since!
Since signing with Megan, we worked on polishing The Greatest Game, which meant one round of edits and then a bit of word cutting. We will be putting this book on submission *very* soon and to say I'm ready is an understatement. Marcee's story has become even stronger than I ever believed it could be and I have the best feeling about it.
So, aside from querying, signing with an agent, and working on TGG, what have I been doing??
I've been drafting a contemporary romance about a jaded romance writer that is in a revision stage and soon to be turned in to my agent. I've been drafting a romantasy that is truly giving me life! I'm also preparing to do a significant revision on Out of Bounds, because let's face it, I'm not giving up on Alex and Jensen.
As if that's not all enough, I've been taking on more hired copyedit jobs and continuing my internship with Lake Country Press and Reviews.
Did I mention I'm still working full time?
You could say I'm staying busy.
I promise it won't be a year again before you hear from me. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter and Threads for daily/weekly updates and random musings.
August 10, 2023
Greetings, everyone!
I hope the new year is treating you well so far! I have a few updates I'm excited to share.
Out of Bounds, my adult, contemporary sports romance is officially out on submission to publishers. If I thought waiting in the querying trenches was hard, well, I had no idea! I know from speaking with other authors and keeping up to date with publishing news that it may take some time to hear back, so I'm trying to cultivate patience. HA!
My second bit of news is that I am now an Editorial Intern at Lake Country Press & Reviews! Here's a link if you want to check them out:
The team at LCP has been really welcoming and I appreciate the opportunity to learn about this side of the business. So far, it's been an amazing experience!
I hope to have more news soon regarding Out of Bounds, but until then, I'll be working on my third sports romance, which will be set in the same world as my previous two and feature another well-known character who I know my readers want to have their HEA! Also, did I mention there will be rugby??
Stay warm out there and may the Muse be kind to you!
December 16, 2022
Happy Friday!
Out of Bounds, my love letter to disc golf, struck a chord with an agent, so I am pleased to announce that I am now represented by Laura Pink at SBR Media!
Pleased is probably not strong enough of a word to encompass everything I'm feeling right now. I've waited years for this moment. I've read and cried over hundreds of rejections and wondered if it would ever happen.
And it did.
I'm thrilled to work with Laura, whose excitement for Jensen and Alex came through from the first moment we spoke. I know she'll put in the time and effort to get my book babies into the world. We're going to make a great team!
I'll keep you all updated on everything going on as we prep Out of Bounds for submission in the new year. I told myself in January that 2022 would be the year I got an agent, so now I'm telling myself 2023 is the year I get a publishing contract! Manifest!
Thank you for your continued interest in my journey- it means the world to me.
Stay tuned, lovelies!
January 19, 2023
Hello hello!
I hope 2023 has treated you well thus far. It has been a whirlwind of a year for me and I apologize for the lack of updates.
Writing update:
My agent and I parted ways at the beginning of this month (amicably) and Out of Bounds is no longer on submission. So, I am back in the querying trenches, but this time it is with The Greatest Game, my witty, rivals-to-lovers soccer romance. In many ways, I feel this book is a more viable option for my debut and I have high hopes for it!
August 17, 2022
Hello Hello!
I hope this post finds you not only surviving the heat of the summer, but thriving. The past two months have flown by and school has started in our area, so let the after school activities commence!
Okay, on to writerly business:
I am actively querying Out of Bounds and pleased with the response so far, so I'm still hopeful that Alex and Jensen will find a champion for their love story.
I'm this close to finishing up the first draft of my next sports romance, working title The Greatest Game. It's a rivals-to-lovers soccer story featuring Marcee, the ride or die best friend of Alex from Out of Bounds, and I am so, so excited to share it with my writing group at our next meet up. After a brainstorming session
with the group, I'll start working on revisions.
Although I haven't had any publishing "success" or big announcements
this year, 2022 has been my most productive thus far. I guess the idea
that you only get better with each book you write may actually be
true! Go figure, huh?
Perhaps next time I'll have significant news to share with you all. I appreciate each and every one of you following along.
June 21, 2022
There's been a lot of development in the past month and a half, so here we go. I finished a final draft of Out of Bounds last week. Curious as to what I mean by final draft? This means several rounds of revisions, two read-throughs (myself and then with the computer speak aloud), a line edit, then another line edit. I used a voice recorder while listening to my book this time and it was genius! I was able to go back and just listen to my changes and then implement. It was much faster than either writing them down and going back or doing it all at once. Shout out to my husband for getting me the recorder!
Over the weekend, I polished up my query letter and synopsis (although let's be honest, it probably won't be my last query revision. Those things feel ever-evolving!) so that I could query a bit this week- which is what I've done. So, Out of Bounds is officially being queried. HUZZAH! Now it's time for the age-old dance of refreshing my email inbox and obsessing over that which I have no control over.
So, ya know, usual writer business.
I'll keep you all posted!
May 11, 2022
Hi all!
Summer is finally showing up here and the humidity is already something else. I'm going to wait at least another month before I start complaining, though!
I finished a first revision of Out of Bounds after a good brainstorming session with my writing group and am currently trying to finish up a second. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I love this book. So much. Alex and Jensen, my two main characters, are firecrackers and when they get together? *Sparks*
I've had a few beta readers already and the response has been so overwhelmingly positive that I'm all the more excited to query it!
I am still querying The Fifth Betrayal, my adult fantasy, with a few irons in the fire, and I'm trying to remain positive and hope for the best. Delfina and her crew deserve to see the light of day and I'm living for the day you all get to read their story. Lastly, I've started a rough draft on another sports romance that will be a companion to Out of Bounds and can I just say, writing these love stories never gets old!
Maybe the next time I check in I'll have something fun to report! Either way, this is only the start of the journey and I'm not letting any potholes get in my way. Talk to you all soon!
February 11, 2022
It's Friday!
Whew, okay, let's play catch up! Since last October, I finished up a synopsis and query letter and started my querying journey around the first of November. Since then, I've reworked my query at least five times and trimmed my synopsis down to half of its original length. Now for some stats: I've had one full request, one partial, and have a full out with a publisher. I've also had a lot of rejections, which is the name of the game for a querying writer. I'm still querying away and have many agents left on my list, so all hope is not lost!
What else have I been doing? Querying is mentally taxing and time consuming, but the best advice I've gotten, and that I adhere to, is to write something new during the process. All that rejection can do a number on your self-worth, so I started a new project mid-November, in a genre I've never written: romance! I've got a lot of really smart and talented CPs (critique partners) who write in this genre, and they encouraged me to give it a go. As of this week, I've finished my first draft of my contemporary sports romance tentatively titled, Out of Bounds.
I'm not going to lie, I adore this book. I love my characters and I love that it focuses around disc golf, a sport I actively participate in and enjoy. I'm going to let this draft sit for a few weeks, review it with my writing group, then start working on edits! This is the fastest I've ever drafted a book, but honestly, it felt magical. If I work hard, I may be able to query it in April.
So, you can say things are busy here, on top of life comings and goings. I'll pop back in to update you when I've got a polished draft. THANK YOU for checking in with me and following along in this journey. Chasing your dreams is daunting, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
October 4, 2021
Happy Monday y'all!
Thanks for checking in with me. Since my last post, I've been neck-deep in revisions and editing. I'm proud to say that after a large developmental edit, line edit and copy edit, I have a manuscript that is ready to query! The Fifth Betrayal is so much more than I ever hoped when I first came up with the concept, and I'm so excited to pitch it to agents. I'm polishing my query letter and synopsis and hope to start sending out emails next week.
Cross your fingers for me! I'll keep you posted with my querying journey.
Stay safe out there and go buy books!
July 14, 2021
Hi everyone! I've been extremely remiss in updating my site, but in my defense- I've been WRITING! So, let's get you all caught up:
Since last July, I shelved Half Holy. I had a few full manuscript requests from agents, but ultimately, no offers of representation. I still love the book and hope that one day it will make it into the world, along with the sequel I had planned.
Hespera is now officially titled The Fifth Betrayal. I finished a first draft in February 2021, sent it out to beta readers, and got some incredible feedback. I am now deep into revisions.
My goal is to have this major revision done by the end of summer, then have a few select beta readers give it a read again, then do a final line edit/polish.
If all goes to plan, I will query The Fifth Betrayal by September!
I've also been doing a massive amount of reading. As any author will tell you, part of improving your own craft is by reading- within your genre and outside. Some of my favorite reads of 2021 have been Legendborn, Rule of Wolves, The Bookworm Crush, The Bone Shard Daughter, We Free the Stars, and The Queen of Blood. I highly recommend them all!
Lastly, thanks for checking in on me and my writing. I hope to have more updates, and maybe exciting news, for you soon! Stay safe- be happy!
July 6, 2020
Yes, it's been seven months since I last updated. It feels like the world went into a tailspin with the emergence of Covid-19. I quarantined at home with my kids for three months before having to go back to work. During all of this, I began querying Half Holy. Unfortunately, I have had no interest from agents yet and have slowed down considerably sending it out. I haven't give up hope on it completely, though.
In the meantime, I struggled to start any new projects, but have finally hit my stride with a more traditional fantasy novel, tentatively titled Hespera. I'm in the first draft and feeling all the feels with the new world.
I'll keep you all posted with any news on Half Holy and Hespera!
December 30, 2019
With only two days left of 2019, I'm excited to say that Half Holy has been sent to beta readers! I've stepped away while it is out and am eagerly awaiting responses. In the meantime, I've been doing a lot of reading and will start loosely plotting the sequel to Half Holy this week. Happy New Year's everyone!
November 21, 2019
We are one week from Thanksgiving and I can't wait! It's my favorite food holiday. I'm also excited because I went on my writing retreat last weekend and made huge strides in Half Holy. I'm deep into revisions and still on track to get out copies to beta readers in January. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday (with lots and lots of pie!)
October 28, 2019
Happy Monday, folks! Quick update: I'm over 3/4 of the way through my work-in-progress, Half-Holy. I've booked myself a 2 1/2 day writer's retreat in a few weeks to finish it up and work on revisions. I hope to send it out to beta readers at the beginning of January (so, Happy New Year)!
October 17, 2019
Welcome to my website! Today is launch day and I couldn't be more excited. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and check everything out. As I continue finishing my work-in-progress, Half-Holy, I'll post periodic updates, so keep checking back for any interesting tidbits and excerpts!